Engaged Pedagogy Association By-Laws
Article 1: The association will be known as the Engaged Pedagogy Association (EPA).
Article 2: The purpose of the association is to encourage research, activities and the exchange of information on ending various forms of discrimination and changing existing systems of education.
Article 3: To advance the above-mentioned purposes, the association will :
(1) organize conferences
(2) publish a journal
(3) establish study groups
(4) promote other activities and project consistent with the purposes stated in Article 2.
Article 4: Membership in the association is open to anyone who supports the purposes stated in Article 2.
Article 5: To become a member, interested persons need to apply to the association.
Article 6: Members will pay a set membership fee annually.
Article 7: Officers of the association shall hold office for a period of two years.
Article 8: These by-laws may be amended in a general meeting. There is a general meeting once a year.
Article 9: These By-laws come into effect January 1, 2003.
Article 10: The head office is located in Tokyo Japan.